Accessories Featured

Five Must-Have Mobile Phone Accessories For Better Photography

(Last Updated On: May 4, 2023)

Key Highlights

  • Mobile phone accessories can significantly improve the quality of your photos
  • Tripods, external lenses, selfie sticks, external flashes, and remote shutter releases are five must-have mobile phone accessories for better photography
  • These accessories are affordable, easy to use, and can make a big difference in your photography, whether you’re a professional or an amateur

In the age of social media, everyone wants to capture stunning photos and share them with their friends and followers. With the advancement of smartphone cameras, taking high-quality photos has become easier than ever. However, there are still some limitations that can hinder the quality of your photos. That’s where mobile phone accessories come in handy. Here are five must-have mobile phone accessories for better photography:

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A tripod is a crucial accessory for capturing stable and sharp images. It helps you to keep your phone steady and in the perfect position to capture the best shot. It’s especially useful for low-light photography or when using slow shutter speeds. Tripods come in various sizes, shapes, and prices, so you can choose one that fits your needs and budget.


  • Adjustable height and angle for versatile use
  • Lightweight and portable design for easy carrying
  • Durable construction for stability and long-term use

External lenses

Smartphone cameras are great, but they have limitations when it comes to zooming and wide-angle shots. External lenses allow you to capture stunning photos from different perspectives. There are various types of lenses available, such as fisheye, macro, telephoto, and wide-angle. They easily attach to your phone’s camera, and you can switch between them depending on the shot you want to take.


  • Different lenses for various photography needs (fisheye, macro, telephoto, and wide-angle)
  • High-quality optical glass for clear and sharp images
  • Clip-on design for easy attachment to your phone’s camera

Selfie stick

Selfie sticks are not only useful for capturing selfies but also for taking group photos or photos from a different angle. They extend your reach and help you to capture a wider view without compromising the quality of your photos. Some selfie sticks come with a built-in tripod, making them even more versatile.


  • Extendable arm for reaching wider angles and distances
  • Rotatable head for adjustable viewing and shooting angles
  • Bluetooth remote for hands-free photo capturing

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External flash

Smartphone cameras often struggle to capture well-lit photos in low-light conditions. An external flash can help to illuminate the subject and produce better-quality images. Some external flashes come with adjustable brightness levels, so you can control the amount of light you need.


  • Adjustable brightness levels for customizable lighting
  • Compact and portable design for on-the-go use
  • Rechargeable battery for convenience and sustainability

Remote shutter release

Taking photos can be tricky when you want to be in the shot. A remote shutter release allows you to trigger your phone’s camera without touching it. It’s especially useful for taking selfies or group photos when you want to be in the picture. Some remote shutter releases also come with a tripod, making them even more versatile.


  • Bluetooth connectivity for easy pairing with your phone
  • Wireless operation for hands-free photo capturing
  • Versatile use as a remote trigger or camera stand with a built-in tripod

Overall, these five mobile phone accessories can significantly improve the quality of your photos. They are affordable, easy to use, and can make a big difference in your photography. Whether you’re a professional photographer or an amateur, these accessories can help you to capture stunning photos that you’ll be proud to share with your friends and followers.

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By Shweta Srivastava

Say hello to Shweta, a tech fan who's hooked on keeping up with all things tech. When she's not exploring the latest gadgets, she's diving into a good book, clicking photos as an amateur photographer, or enjoying classic movies and music. With her love for both tech and creativity, Shweta adds her own touch to tech news in a way that's easy to understand and enjoy.

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