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Minecraft’s The Wild Update Is Coming on 7 June: All Details

(Last Updated On: May 28, 2022)

Key Highlights

  • Mojang Studios has announced Minecraft’s The Wild update officially releasing on 7 June.
  • It will bring two new biomes, new mobs, and other additional blocks.
  • It will launch simultaneously on PC, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, iOS, Android, Mac, and Linux platforms.

The Wild Update for Minecraft is almost here. Microsoft and Mojang are releasing The Wild on 7 June across all platforms. Two new biomes are included in the update: a mangrove swamp and a “deep black” that hides nasty mobs and special resources. If you’re crossing a lake, you can also sail a boat with a chest so you don’t have to leave supplies behind. The upgrade also includes a mud block, a crowd-voted item collector mob, and a frog that grows from tadpoles. It even emits “froglights” when it attacks magma. Here’s all you need to know about Minecraft’s upcoming update.

New Biomes

Two new biomes will be added to the game in the upcoming update. The first biome is known as “the deep black,” and it is located far under the surface. According to Mojang Studios, players will need to locate the cave’s base and begin digging down. On triggering a shrieker, they will have until the fourth shriek to get out of there unless they “want to meet face to face with the sole mob that inhabits in the deep dark.” Mangrove trees, the second biome, deliver a new sort of timber to build with, as well as a new mud block. Players can make the new mud block with dirt and water.

New Mobs

Three new mobs will be added to Minecraft with the upcoming update. The first is the warden mob that is found in the deep dark. The company claims that stealth is the key to escaping the deep dark which was a separate upgrade that was merged into The Wild last year. Allay is the second mob that will assist players in collecting new goods in the game. The third mob is the frog which attacks magma cubes and causes ‘froglight block.’ An interesting fact about the frog mob is that it is three mobs in one.

Minecraft: The Wild Update Availability

Minecraft’s The Wild Update will be available for players to download on 7 June 2022. It will be available on all bedrock platforms including iOS, Android, Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, and consoles like the Xbox One and PlayStation 5.

By Shweta Srivastava

Say hello to Shweta, a tech fan who's hooked on keeping up with all things tech. When she's not exploring the latest gadgets, she's diving into a good book, clicking photos as an amateur photographer, or enjoying classic movies and music. With her love for both tech and creativity, Shweta adds her own touch to tech news in a way that's easy to understand and enjoy.

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