Upcoming Philips Mobiles (Apr 2024)

In India, Philips is expected to release 4 upcoming/rumored devices. Among these upcoming models, there are 4 smartphones expected to launch in the next 3 months. These devices include the Philips PH2, Philips PH1, Philips PH3.

We also offer a "Notify when launched" button so you may get your preferred new phone as soon as it is released in the market. Simply click on the name of any of the models mentioned below to read the approximate pricing, specs, features, launch date, photos, and FAQ's.

You can also search Popular Philips Mobiles based on price: Under ₹ 999 and ₹ 1,499.

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Upcoming Philips Mobiles (Apr 2024)

ModelExpected PriceExpected Launch Date
Philips PH2 Price₹ 7,760NA
Philips PH1 Price₹ 5,912NA
Philips PH3 Price₹ 9,890NA
Philips PH4 Price₹ 21,850NA

Phones Comparison


Q. Which is the most popular phone of Upcoming Philips mobiles in April 2024?

The most popular among upcoming mobile as of April 19, 2024 is Philips PH2 priced at ₹ 7,760.

Q. What is the cheapest model of upcoming Philips mobiles?

The cheapest mobile for upcoming Philips in Philips PH1 priced at ₹ 5,912.

Q. What is the most expensive model of upcoming Philips mobiles?

The most expensive upcoming model is Philips PH4 priced at ₹ 21,850.