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Apple Vision Pro Missing Key Apps: Spotify & Youtube Not Included

(Last Updated On: January 30, 2024)

Apple’s highly anticipated Vision Pro mixed reality headset launches on February 2, but there’s a surprising catch: no dedicated apps for YouTube and Spotify at launch. These two apps join Netflix in their absence, leaving some popular entertainment options off the table at first.

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Limited Streaming at Launch

  • No standalone apps for YouTube or Spotify on Vision Pro.
  • Streaming via the built-in Safari browser is possible, but may have limitations.
  • Other major services like Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, and Apple TV+ will be available.

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Why the Absence?

Both YouTube and Spotify haven’t committed to dedicated Vision Pro apps yet. Possible reasons include:

  • New platform: visionOS is new, and developers may need time to adapt apps for its unique features.
  • Technical considerations: Optimizing apps for a mixed reality experience might require special development efforts.
  • Competitive landscape: Apple Music and Podcasts are built into Vision Pro, potentially impacting Spotify’s decision.

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Alternatives For Users

Even without dedicated apps, you still have options. You can:

  • Use the Safari browser: Access Youtube and Spotify through the built-in browser. While it may not be as seamless as dedicated apps, it’ll still get the job done.
  • Explore other supported streaming services: The Vision Pro supports popular services like Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, and Apple TV+. These offer plenty of content to keep you entertained.
  • Wait for dedicated apps: Both Youtube and Spotify might release apps in the future, so stay tuned for updates!

Also Read: Apple Vision Pro Mixed Reality Headset To Launch On February 2

Apple Vision ProPrice, Future Possibilities

It’s important to remember that the Vision Pro comes with a hefty price tag of $3,499. So, for some, the lack of these popular apps might be a deal-breaker, while others might be willing to wait for potential future app development.

Both YouTube and Spotify could eventually release Vision Pro apps, for a more immersive and feature-rich experience. Apple could also allow iPad app compatibility in the future, expanding the available options.

By Aditi Verma

Aditi Verma is a skilled tech content writer with a talent for making complex ideas easy to understand. She crafts engaging articles, breaking down intricate tech topics into simple words that anyone can grasp. Aditi is your go-to writer for all things tech.

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