Google Pixel 9 Takes Inspiration From iPhone, Might Add Key Emergency Feature

Emergency SoS
(Last Updated On: April 15, 2024)

Key Highlights

  • Pixel 9 adding Emergency SOS for satellite communication during crises
  • Activation like iPhones, but availability and cost unclear
  • Might offer free trial, like Apple

Google aims to bring its Pixel phones closer to challenging the iPhone, with plans to incorporate one of Apple‘s advanced features, Emergency SOS, into the upcoming Pixel 9. A new report suggests that Google is developing an emergency communication feature akin to Apple’s Emergency SOS for the Pixel 9 and the next Pixel Fold. This will enable users to make calls and send texts via satellite during emergencies. Also Read | Turn On Emergency SOS Feature On Android Phone: Here’s How

Development Of Emergency SOS Feature

Emergency SOS

According to a report from Android Authority, the emergency SOS feature for this year’s Pixel phone is currently in development. A video accompanying the report demonstrates the activation process. This involves users answering a series of questions before the phone establishes satellite communication. Questions may pertain to the nature of the emergency, presence of individuals in distress, and involvement of hazards like fire or weapons.

Potential Partnerships

Google may collaborate with T-Mobile, a prominent US carrier, to offer this feature. T-Mobile had previously announced a partnership with SpaceX for satellite messaging, with ongoing testing as of January. Alternatively, leaks suggest Google might consider Garmin as the satellite service provider.

Also Read | Here’s How To Use Emergency SOS Via Satellite On Your iPhone 14

Availability And Pricing

Google Pixel 8

The availability of this emergency service on the Pixel 9 and its potential cost remains uncertain. Google may initially offer it for free, similar to Apple’s strategy, providing users with a trial period to assess its utility. Apple recently extended the free trial period for its Emergency SOS via Satellite feature, suggesting a similar approach could be adopted for the Pixel 9.


With plans to integrate advanced emergency communication features into the Pixel 9, Google aims to enhance its competitiveness against the iPhone. The potential partnership with carriers and the pricing strategy will shape the accessibility and adoption of this feature among Pixel users.

About Shweta Srivastava

Say hello to Shweta, a tech fan who's hooked on keeping up with all things tech. When she's not exploring the latest gadgets, she's diving into a good book, clicking photos as an amateur photographer, or enjoying classic movies and music. With her love for both tech and creativity, Shweta adds her own touch to tech news in a way that's easy to understand and enjoy.

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