Mahindra XUV Electric SUV Steering Wheel Patent Leaks: Two-Spoke, Integrated Display

mahindra steering wheel patent
(Last Updated On: May 23, 2024)

Key Highlights

  • Mahindra trademarks new e-SUV steering wheel
  • Advanced octagonal two-spoke design
  • Steering wheel might integrate a semi-infotainment screen

Mahindra’s upcoming electric SUVs are goind through stringent testing. We are expecting several new XUV and BE-labelled electric SUVs in the coming years. Just recently, the BE.05 EV’s interiors were spied where we could see a new steering wheel and some of the key dashboard features. Now, Mahindra has filed patent for a steering wheel which it is expected to use in all of its upcoming electric vehicles. Let’s know in details about the latest steering wheel patented by Mahindra for its electric SUV range:

Mahindra EV Steering Wheel Patent Leaks: What’s Revealed?

mahindra steering wheel patent

The new Mahindra steering wheel whose patent image has surfaced shows a futuristic approach which is being opted for the new-gen electric SUVs and cars. The leaked snapshot shows the two-spoke steering wheel design which has an octagonal shape and a flat central, bottom section.

At the initial glimpse of newly patented Mahindra two-spoke steering wheel, you’ll notice a familiar design as the new-age Tata cars; specifically the Nexon ICE facelift and the Nexon EV. Both these Tata cars also sport a two-spoke steering wheel with a flat central console featuring the illuminated Tata logo. But Mahindra will apparently take a step ahead with this new dedicated EV two spoke steering wheel.

There are reports that Mahindra could integrate a screen in the flat centre space. However, Mahindra has not confirmed any such detail yet. But if these rumors are true, the added screen on the steering wheel will definitely be useful in many aspects.

While it wouldn’t be a full-fledged, it could show some of the crucial ride details and also act as a secondary infotainment screen. We couldn’t see any physical keys clearly mounted on the steering wheel. This suggests the screen itself will offer intuitive touch controls for controlling media playback and other other operations while on-the-go.

About Sandeep Sarkar

As a senior sub-editor, Sandeep is generating tech-oriented content and also monitoring the content published on the website. He has over five years of experience in tech journalism and has expertise in product reviews, news articles, campaign articles, and listicles.

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