Six Essential Driving Tips For New Electric Car Owners

Electric Vehicle
(Last Updated On: January 9, 2024)

Key Highlights

  • Plan routes and charging stops to manage electric car range effectively
  • Avoid constant 100% charges; consider a home charging station for convenience
  • Drive smoothly, use regenerative braking, and reduce environmental impact

As the automotive industry undergoes a transformative shift towards sustainability, more drivers are making the switch to EVs. While the benefits of electric cars, such as reduced environmental impact and lower operational costs, are evident, navigating the shades of an EV requires a slightly different approach. Here are some essential driving tips for new electric car owners to ensure a seamless and efficient transition to the electric highway. Also Read | Winter Care Tips For Electric Vehicles: How To Keep Your EV Healthy In Cold Weather

1. Understand Range Anxiety

Kia Niro EV

One of the primary concerns for new electric car owners is range anxiety – the fear of running out of battery power before reaching a charging station. To alleviate this concern, it’s crucial to understand your car’s range and plan your routes accordingly. Familiarize yourself with charging station locations and plan breaks for longer journeys to recharge and relax.

2. Optimize Charging Habits

EV Charging

Efficient charging habits are key to maximizing the utility of an electric car. To extend battery life, avoid charging your EV to 100% regularly. Opt for a charging range between 20% and 80%, which is healthier for the battery’s long-term performance. Additionally, consider installing a home charging station for added convenience and flexibility.

3. Master Regenerative Braking

Electric Vehicle

Electric cars often come equipped with regenerative braking systems, which convert kinetic energy back into stored energy in the battery. This technology not only enhances efficiency but also helps in preserving the lifespan of brake pads. New electric car owners should learn to leverage regenerative braking by understanding the different modes available and adjusting their driving style accordingly.

Also Read | Want To Boost Your Electric Vehicle’s Range? Here Are Some Pro Tips

4. Embrace Eco-Friendly Driving Habits

Tesla EV

Electric cars are inherently eco-friendly, but drivers can further enhance their environmental impact by adopting energy-efficient driving habits. Smooth acceleration and deceleration, maintaining a steady speed, and avoiding aggressive driving can significantly improve energy efficiency, contributing to both a longer range and reduced carbon footprint.

5. Use Connectivity Features

Electric Vehicles Battery

Most electric cars come equipped with advanced connectivity features that help optimize driving efficiency. Utilize smartphone apps or in-car systems to monitor battery status, locate charging stations, and plan routes that factor in charging stops. Staying connected enhances the overall driving experience and ensures that you are always in control of your EV’s performance.

6. Stay Informed On Incentives

EV Charging

Various governments and municipalities offer incentives to encourage electric vehicle adoption. Stay informed about tax credits, rebates, and other incentives available in your region. Taking advantage of these benefits not only makes the initial purchase more economical but also supports the ongoing sustainability of electric transportation.


The transition to an electric car marks a significant step towards a greener future. By understanding the nuances of EV ownership and incorporating these driving tips into daily habits, new electric car owners can confidently navigate the electric highway while enjoying the many benefits of sustainable and efficient transportation.

Also Read | EV Charging Tips And Tricks: Seven Ways To Find EV Charging Stations Across India

About Shweta Srivastava

Say hello to Shweta, a tech fan who's new to the scene but already hooked on keeping up with all things tech. When she's not exploring the latest gadgets, she's diving into a good book, clicking photos as an amateur photographer, or enjoying classic movies and music. With her love for both tech and creativity, Shweta adds her own touch to tech news in a way that's easy to understand and enjoy.

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