Your Soundtrack, AI-Curated: Here’s How To Create Next-Gen Playlist On Amazon Music

Amazon Music
(Last Updated On: April 17, 2024)

Key Highlights

  • Amazon Music’s Maestro creates playlists from text inputs, in beta for US users
  • Available to Amazon Music Unlimited subscribers
  • Maestro offers instant playlist access at no extra charge

Amazon Music, a popular music streaming platform, has launched a new tool called Maestro. Maestro uses AI to create playlists based on text or text-and-emoji inputs. It’s like having a personal DJ, but with AI doing the mixing. Currently in beta testing, Maestro is only available to users in the US. Also Read | Spotify’s New: Personalized Playlists Made Simple With AI Prompts

How Does It Work?

Amazon Music

It’s super easy. You just type in what you want to listen to or how you’re feeling, and Maestro does the rest. You can even talk to it using speech-to-text. So, if you’re feeling left out because your friends are hanging without you, just say it, and Maestro will whip up a playlist based on that.

Where Can You Find It?

Maestro lives in the Amazon Music mobile app, so you can’t access it on the web or your TV. It’s all about the phone for now.

How Is It Different From Spotify’s AI?

Well, both Amazon Music Maestro and Spotify’s AI Playlist do the same thing: create playlists based on what you ask for. But Maestro is still in the US and only for Amazon Music Unlimited subscribers, while Spotify’s AI works for Premium users in the UK and Australia.

Also Read | Apple Music Tips And Tricks: Here’s How To Create Collaborative Playlists

How Much Does It Cost?

Amazon Music

Right now, if you’re one of the lucky beta testers in the US with a Prime membership or using the ad-supported version, you can get a sneak peek for free. Amazon Music Unlimited subscribers can dive right in and save their playlists without any extra charge.


Amazon Music Maestro is like having a music-savvy friend who’s always ready with the perfect playlist. Just tell it what you want, and it’s on it. And while it’s still getting started, it’s already making waves among music lovers. So, if you’re in the US and itching to try it out, keep an eye out for Maestro in your Amazon Music app.

About Shweta Srivastava

Say hello to Shweta, a tech fan who's new to the scene but already hooked on keeping up with all things tech. When she's not exploring the latest gadgets, she's diving into a good book, clicking photos as an amateur photographer, or enjoying classic movies and music. With her love for both tech and creativity, Shweta adds her own touch to tech news in a way that's easy to understand and enjoy.

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